Military Miniature (Военная Миниатюра)

If I already bought resin wheels from Военная миниатюра for my future assemblies of domestic cannons,
it would be strange if I didn’t look at all the products in search of the ones I needed.
And so it happened, there are not many finds, but they are there.
35078 Wooden well
35055 Dynamic protection units Contact-1 (300 pc.)
And one product without a product index, but useful and with useful information.
DT-29 (Degtyarev tank) 32 items
The DT-29 machine gun, accepted into service in 1929, was installed on almost all models of Soviet armored vehicles until 1945. At the end of 1941, a barrel with simplified cooling fins began to be installed (Late barrel, the same will be on the DTM).
The presented barrel with developed cooling fins can be seen on vehicles extract 1930-1941.
The presented barrel (late type) can be seen on most domestic tanks and armored vehicles, starting from the end of 1941.