Wheelbarrows in a war

If someone comes to mind accusing me of moving away from military topics, then he will be right and … wrong. Indeed, what could be more creative and peaceful than a car? But on the example of a bicycle we saw that mankind directs even peaceful things to military needs. Yes, and the scale of 1/35 it is militaristic in nature.

According to the American Lincoln County Line, German skydivers respected the cars very much.

LC 0092 “On the Road Again”









The same opinion, and most likely the same injection molds, were shared by their compatriots from Warriors Scale Models

35074 Waffen SS Fallschirmjager’s with Wheelbarrows








They are echoed by European manufacturers, for example Czechs from CMK

129-F35030 German Fallschirmjäger + Wheel + Barrow









and the British from Wolf Hornet Models

WSH 18 Fallschirmjage Arnhem corridor 1944









Resicast Belgians also supported this topic

35-502 German Push Wheel-Barrow









now they don’t have this kit on the site.

Moreover, an attempt to find photographs of relevant historical facts did not bring much success. Only one photo of German soldiers with a wheelbarrow was found on the street of the Dutch city



Obviously, it was she who served as the prototype for Czech designers and in it you can see the prototype of all other sets. So one photo distorted the model display of the real world – it seems that the Germans immediately jumped from planes with wheelbarrows loaded with weapons, so that later they loaded the loot.

The same guys from Resicast suggested another story, closer to the creative essence of a wheelbarrow.

35.508 POW 2 Brirish soldier with wheelbarrow & German guard









The fact that captivity is not sugar is confirmed by the next miniature of Hong Kong Kirin

25024 “Easy Rider”, US Para & Captive Normandy 1944









but wounding is nothing good, the Belgians say again from Resicast









Military use is not necessarily combat use, which the product from the Belgian Precision Models demonstrates to us.

35031.F Untertruppfuhrer Atlantic wall









Ukrainian MiniArtt went further and offers a whole brigade from the Imperial Labor Service (German: Reichsarbeitsdienst, RAD)

35065 German Soldiers at Work (RAD)







“Since June 1935, every German young man had to undergo a six-month labor service prior to military service. Since the beginning of World War II, the activities of the RAD also extended to girls.” Wikipedia.



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