Month: August 2021

Desert wells

Another type of wells that I found it necessary to separate into a separate category is desert wells. Structurally, they are stone, a distinctive feature...

Finally: Chronicles!

Another type of content available on this site is the so-called posts, one of which you are reading. They are combined under the heading “Chronicles”...

Stone wells

In non-eastern Europe, the construction is slightly different, and most importantly, wood is used much less and the main material is stone. There are fewer...

What is he looking for …?

Well, it became clear who, when and how came to the site, but why – not yet. I really hope that in addition to hackers...

Wooden wells

I found something else that can be updated, and radically: kitography on water sources! Printed version in legacy logic (broken down by manufacturer, not by...

Update “Devices driven by man”

Due to the lack of amenities associated with the move, I hesitate to start a big project. I will go over the little things –...